journal - little woods homestead

Gardening Gains

It’s been a long time coming, but I think this year, maybe just maybe I finally have it. I created a bed just for the strawberries and plopped the strawberry tower of power in the center. I planted strawberries all around it in the hopes that the runners would propagate […]

little woods homestead

First Harvest!

There is nothing better than cucumbers and radishes fresh from the garden with Tarragon Apple Cider Vinegar! Hooray to first harvests! (SO good in fact that I chowed down the whole bowl before remembering to take a pictures). I grew my cucumbers and radishes using this picture over on Inside Urban […]

round up

Using the Harvest: Green Tomato Round Up

      I’m facing down 6 tomato plants FULL of green tomatoes this week. And other than fried green tomatoes, I couldn’t honestly think of anything to do with them. I put the task to google and found 6 recipes I’m hoping to try out sometime this week and depending […]