
Welcome & Hello!

Hi all! If you’re stopping by the blog for the first time after seeing the booth at Renegade, I just wanted to say “hello” and show you around a bit. I know there was a lot to check out at Renegade and you most like did what I do in […]


New Look, new Series, and new shop items!

Hi all! Thanks so much for bearing with me while I updated the look and feel of the website. I had a couple of css explosions and some fun php screw ups. If you notice anything funky going on, please shoot me an email at kristin [at] craftleftovers [dot] com. […]

Crafty Business

RSS Feeds on Probation

Or how I learned to be a better blogger by examining my own reading habits. There are so many amazing craft blogs. And I physically can’t read them all. I leave it up to,, and to keep me up to date on most the amazing things crafting […]

Crafty Business

Me and Photography: a battle to the death

This is something I’ve struggled with ever since I started blogging 4 years ago. Photography. It’s not my strong suit. There are a lot of things that I latch on to and naturally pick up. It clicks. I get it. It’s easy. Photography is not one of those things. We […]

Crafty Business - journal

On Blog Writing

This past month I’ve been contemplating the question of “am I professional writer or a blogger or is there a difference?” It’s an interesting question for me because more and more I’m writing for my living: through Craft Leftovers, Craft Leftovers Monthly, the Ames Progressive, on other websites, and various […]

book review

New book: Creating a Blog Audience by Sister Diane

Diane of the CraftyPod has done it again, she has put out one of the most insightful publications that actually helps bloggers with their blogs: Creating a Blog Audience! The first ebook on this topic is Creating a Great Blog – because why would you give a rats you know […]

book review - journal

Finding My Way with Making a Great Blog

It’s hard for me to admit this, but I’ve been having a dry spell lately with Craft Leftovers. It’s not that I’m not enjoying myself or that I don’t like posting, it’s more like I feel like I’ve lost my internal direction, that no matter how hard I try I […]