Switchy Swatchy Swap


I started out my fiber related career hating swatching, just wanting to get on to the “real” part of the project. Over time that attitude has completely changed. Now I love swatching. It gives me a sense of completion and satisfaction and it also ensures that my larger project will come out the right size and shape, with the right drape and texture. Important things all around. I like small things, part of the reason that I love working on Craft Leftovers so much, and swatches are small little projects. Over the past three years I have been attempting to improve my skills, especially as far as crochet goes, which I still feel I am less experienced at than knitting.


While working at the yarn shop I mostly came into “knitting” questions and troubleshooting so that increased my progress exponentially when compared to crochet. So I make little swatches. Sometimes from a stitch dictionary, sometimes from my head. Then I put a border around it. I try to do a different stitch and a different border each time. Or if I have a hard time with a particular technique, I do it again and again until I get it right. It has helped so much and I highly recommend this practice for anyone trying to get comfortable with new techniques. Mix and match crochet and knit borders to get an idea on how to work with the two techniques. My knit/crochet version of a sampler.

Download the Switchy Swatchy Swap Pattern Here (PDF)


I just wanted to give you a heads up about three things:

1. September Craft Leftovers Monthly will be going on sale Sunday morning, August 10th and will be on sale until Wednesday, August 13 (I’ll take it out of the shop when I wake up on the 14th so international readers will get a good chance to sign up). If you are wondering what Craft Leftovers Monthly is, you can read about it here. I added an information page for it. I’ll add the story of how it all got started next month, but for now, it’s just the facts (what you get, what it is, price, when it goes on sale, when you get it, etc). I’m going to add some “subscriber testimonials” too. I get quite a few emails saying “i like it because such and such” so I thought it would be good if you could see that too and then you would know if it’s the thing for you.

2. I’m going on vacation, back to the chicago/dekalb area, for a week of crafty goodness which will include going to Stitches Midwest! I’m hoping to get at least 2 interviews with this lady as well as this lady and maybe this woman too. Anyway. I’ll be gone from the 16th to the 23rd. So there will not be a pattern the 22nd. I will try to post on Monday and Wednesday, but no guarantees. I think I need a vacation where I really just relax. Then I’ll be all recharged and ready to put some awesome plans into action starting in September.

3. Even though I’ll be on vacation, Jason has agreed to fill any orders that come in, so don’t hesitate to stop by the Craft Leftovers’ shop, Kro Postal, or Green Prairie Fibers. He will take good care of you! He can even wind yarn for you if you need to because he is also a great knitter/crocheter.

Keep it Crafty Folks!

++ Kristin Roach ++


2 thoughts on “Switchy Swatchy Swap

  1. Hi Kristin, I love your new dish clothes, those are pretty. I will have to make some of those!

    Have fun on your vacation, sounds like fun, you will have to tell us about the trip when you get back. :)


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