CRAFT:07 & 08 Giveaway!

I just received another issue of CRAFTzine in the mail and well, I only need one, so I thought I would give it to you my lovely readers. I also have an extra issue of CRAFT:07, so I’m going to give them away to you as a set.

Now I’m pretty sure I had said something about having a monthly giveaway last month, or at least I thought it…. Either way, that’s the plan, every second monday of the month specifically. So here is the deal, same as last time:

Send a post card or letter with your name/email/address and the following information post marked by September 15th:

What project in a past/current issue of Craft have you found super inspiring or what do you like about Craft: in general?

Send your answers to:
Craft Leftovers
217 Welch Ave., #101
Ames, IA 50014

I’ll announce the winner Monday, September 22nd.

For me, well, I love Craftzine in an all around sense. I’ve read every issue cover to cover and am glad to report I finally have a subscription. It will be coming to my mailbox directly from now on. I love the variety of projects and the way the range from simple to complex. They don’t shy away more complicated projects and I love that. I’m hoping to laminate a map to my coffee table like in 07, make a necktie glass case from 08 and although I’m not quite ready for a real stained glass window, I sure want to make a faux one. I was so inspired to get my weaving going after doing the tutorial for 08 + reading all the other great articles and tutorials. Art, Craft, and Technology combined into one great magazine!

I’m sure most of you have checked out their blog, but if you haven’t given it a look you should. It’s a daily dose of inspiring ideas.

Have a great night and keep it crafty!

Kristin Roach